Tuesday, March 22, 2022

I am co-dependent with life.

Life and I are lovers. Partners. We share everything. We both have different ways of operating; different answers to problems. We've got preferences. Sometimes we'll agree to disagree. I must always remember there are two minds in this relationship, and although we exist separately from each other, the third entity we co-create is the most beautiful of all. When I say yes to this partnership everyday, there is less struggle. We have each other's backs. When I remember I'm in a relationship, I know I am not the one in control. There is always compromise. I don't always have the last word, the last say. I don't hold the power. 

Life and I are lovers. This is specifically reassuring in times of darkness and sadness: I am not alone. There is life there to witness me. Help me. Love me. And I can choose to awaken to this truth and stare back into my lover's eyes, witness the witness, become one with the all-seeing all-knowing face of Love.

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