Friday, January 3, 2014

Positivity with Customers

This business transaction just made my whole night!

When a customer first steps into my office, it's easy to assume what they're like. But assumptions usually prove to be completely wrong, and that's a main reason why I like this job. It tests my automatic judgement. I wouldn't consider myself a judgemental person, but it's almost instinct; I'm going to try to be "transparent" for my client, and this means I'm going to assume how to be and "reflect" the way they're acting towards me so that we can get along and respect each other in a professional environment. I think transparency borders on being judgemental in business, actually, but I guess it's necessary to ensure quality service.

Anyway, why this made my whole night: at the end of the whole transaction, my customer asked me what my new years resolution was (that I could share) other than being happy (cause obviously I had that down already... awww) I said that I wanted to plan some really awesome events, because I'm an artist and when I put on my last art show I was vibrating at the fact that people had all congregated into one place to be a part of what they love, supporting their local art scene and generally their local FUN scene. I was blown away at what I had put together, who I'd brought together, and that I was making something tangible, creating an event that people would actually remember as something that happened in their lives. I like to think that I impact people in a positive way, no matter what I do, no matter how small of a gesture. When I told my customer this, he was stoked for me. When I asked him what his new years resolution was, he said to work with kids more, to exercise, and to turn life around into a really positive experience! He has realized that he's got the power, and that he can change his life for the better, and that is completely a choice. When he said this I was even more touched that he said I was already what he considered happy; it was something he wanted deeply, and I must have inspired him at least a little bit to stay positive and to love what you do. I said I am very blessed and know how fortunate I am, and he loved to hear it.

It's all about how much you can spread the love! It's amazing how GOOD I feel when I simply give off positive vibes and make people HAPPY!

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