Monday, July 26, 2010


My mom's neighbors all suck. Or so she says. She's been experiencing difficulties her entire life when it comes to those living around her, and that's perhaps because of her strong sense of judgement that permeates a room no matter how badly she tries to keep her thoughts to herself. I told her that maybe, just maybe, all of this nonsense is caused by one entity only -- herself.
She looked at me strangely when I came up with this, but I told her to hear me out.
If a person can attract things to oneself, then that means we're constantly in total control of our surroundings. If all of her life, she expected to find herself surrounded by a gang of mobster neighbors, then she did. Never did she initially think, "Ah, we're moving into this new house, our neighbors are going to be lovely!" Quite the opposite, she always moved in expecting them to be a hassle. She was always scared of them, like rats swarming to infest her kitchen. This time though, she'd gotten it bad. All those years of expectations and materializing those thoughts and emotions, everyone around her was starting to go crazy on her. One of them wants to sue her, the other constantly calling the city to make sure she's following code during renovations. So, to fix this, I suggested simple mind work. "Expect them to be the most pleasant of people tomorrow. Imagine them smiling and waving, inviting you in for coffee, having a good old time. Know that you're open to having those kinds of people around you and that you want them there. The moment you let your brain know that it's possible to be surrounded in those kinds of circumstances, they'll pop up for you. Imagine that, tomorrow your neighbors have done a complete 360!" Impossible, she said. But I guess she took it seriously when I left and decided to implement this method into her life. I got a phone call when she got back from her camping trip, which was just 2 days after our discussion. "You'll never believe what happened," exclaimed my mother, "I got out of the car this afternoon and was greeted by THAT woman, you know, that crazy one? She waved, said hello, talked about the dog and how cute he was in the car, ..." she went on describing her bewilderment as she witnessed the Law of Attraction at its finest. The universe (which really, is simply a reflection of the way she puts out her feelings and emotions and thoughts) finally delivered the one thing she never thought she could have -- simply because now, she believed she could and made it happen.

Crazy story. True story. The kind of story that leaves you gasping for air because you wish you'd thought of doing it first. If it's that simple then why can't we all just have what we want? I'll let you answer that one.

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