Monday, November 7, 2022

heart poetries

your edge accentuates your softness. the miracle in your tender cheek reveals truths so deep they are not even accessible by your own knowing. I will stand here as a mirror to remind you: you are Loving Presence, you are beautiful and magnificent; a peaceful warrior.


am feeling wanted,
but not chosen...

am feeling chosen,
but I do not want...


dancing lights me up.

it cleans me, rings me out. I am fascinated by my body's quick responses, moving to rhythms both familiar and unfamiliar. am I my body more than my thoughts? when I dance I feel free, open, fierce, strong, beautiful, exotic. the best version of myself. I experience where the pain is, as much as where the joy is, and that is a necessary way to heal. 

how can I further this practise and make it even more intentional? how do I grow in my body, in strength, in wisdom, cultivate a more comprehensive language in movement?