A "meditation" to release a belief no longer serving you,
by Amy Scher.
Even though I have this belief
that I'm unable to heal / I'm undeserving of healing, **
I acknowledge it's no longer working for me.
I give my subconscious full permission to help me clear it
From all of my cells, in all of my body,
permanently and completely.
I am now free to thank this old belief
for serving me in the past, when I really needed it.
I am now free to release all resistance to letting it go.
I am now free to release all ideas
that I need this belief in order to stay safe
I am now free to release all ideas
that I need it for any reason at all.
I am now free to release all feelings
that I don't deserve to let it go.
I am now free to release all conscious
and subconscious causes for this belief.
I am now free to release all conscious
and subconscious reasons for holding onto it.
I am now free to release all harmful patterns,
emotions and memories,
connected to this old outdated belief.
I am now free to release all generational or
past life energies keeping it stuck.
All of my being is healing and clearing this energy NOW,
including any stress response stored in my cells.
Healing, healing, healing.
Clearing, clearing, clearing.
It is now time to install the new belief:
I can heal. I deserve to heal.
Installing, installing, installing.
Installing, installing, installing.
And so, it is done.